Saturday, December 1, 2012

Evolution of Consciusness(Post 19)-Mind & Brain

Mind And Brain

In the last post, we saw about non-existent psychological time and psychological becoming.

Now we will see, how it has come about.

It is a scientific fact that Natural Evolution has occurred in some way resulting in 

progressive improvement in the Brain capacity.

 The Natural Evolution has made the human brain bigger and more efficient compared to 

other species, enabling Human Being to become better externally. 

And later, modern science and technology have greatly enhanced human life.


when we look at the structures and their purposes that exist in the human society,

We find the same structures and purposes as well exist in the animal world. 

(Group, Leadership, Hierarchy and Division of labor etc and also instinctive functions)

It becomes clearer,

If we remove the contributions made by the human brain to the structures in the 

human society- all the sophistication and the complexity. 


We can see, fundamentally the same structures and purposes exist among humans and 


If purposes and structures are the same, then the Mind (not the Brain) that built them 

must also be the same.

If it were so,

The ‘Mind’ of Animals and Humans are fundamentally the same. 

The difference is merely ‘Technological’, contribution of the developed human brain.

It is like the difference between a Bullock Cart and a Space Ship, it is the same Mind 

that built both.

That means, all through the million years of evolution,

The Mind has not evolved with Brain; it is only the Brain that evolved.

That is,

Natural Evolution is only physical, psychologically (Mind) nothing moved. 

Even if we look at developments from cave man to modern man.

Man has not evolved psychologically.

‘Mind’ is not part of the evolution – Mental Evolution is not possible.

 Mind is not a being of Time.

Invention Psychological Time

The ‘Brain’ is product of evolution; it is a being of Time.

As Man has succeeded in ‘Outward becoming’ through’ Brain’, he has transferred the 

same to the ‘Mind’ to become ‘Inwardly Better’ as well.

This we call illusory psychological Time, which has no concrete existence.

The constant stress and inertia one feels ‘I can’t remain like this’; ‘I am better than I am’ 

is caused by this non-existent time and becoming.

It is pure invention, not actual.

Actuality is 

Since Mind is not a being of Time, It can not become anything through Time.

In other words,

Mind can operate only if the Brain is quite, not interfering.

When we say Brain, we mean the Ego, Thoughts, Memories, Opinions, Ideas, Images that  

are stored in the Brain ( In short the PAST ).

Brain as Instrument

The Mind would have chosen Brain as an instrument for a purpose !

In that case Brain must be subservient to the Mind.

But, we can easily see Mind is preoccupied with Brain (The Past).

That is Mind has allowed Brain to interfere.

To put it in Gurjieff’s usage

Ego-Self have replaced the True-Self. 

In course of time , Mind has become subservient to the Brain (The Past or the Ego-Self).

The instrument has become the master.

But, the instrument in itself can not have any real purpose.

It is like a Rider becoming subservient to the Horse (Enchanted or Entangled) and getting lost in the 

wilderness forgetting the purpose of the Ride.

That is why we come across expressions such as Universe is indifferent, Life ‘must’ have a Purpose, 

and Life is meaningless etc.

Unless genuine purpose become evident,

‘Ascent of Man’ through knowledge though necessary and inevitable will remain insufficient.

Man may become extraordinarily something externally but inwardly he will remain what 

he was million years ago.

But there will be always a 'Voice in the Wilderness' to move from Ego-Self to True-Self,  if one listens.

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