Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Evolution of Consciusness(Post 29)-Gurdjieff Self-Remembering & Suppression ...

Gurdjieff's Self-Remembering and Suppression.

For the last few posts, we are looking at the False Personalities and Self Remembering.

The reason for calling them false personalities is that they are not expression of one’s

internal essence but external empirical desires or ambitions.

.False Personality is from the world and for the world.

As long as False Personalities dominates, personality of essence will remain a theory.

Ending the domination of False Personalities alone will bring about Real Personality

based on one’s innate essence.

Back to Self Remembering

What is important along with remembering one self is,

One should also try to make efforts against the false personality.

It is not controlling or suppressing but becoming aware of the resistance produced by the

False Personality.

It is like in the physical plane, change of state produces inertia.

The very observation or awareness of the resistance or inertia will bring one closer to

Correct Self-Remembering or Pure-Reflection.

That in turn will weaken the dominance of the False Personality.

 For instance,

When one is thirsty,

one should not only recognize ‘Water’ is the real need and ‘Other Drinks’

are imaginary need of a False Personality, but also try to break the ‘Habit’ of drinking

‘Other Drinks’.

The very awareness of the resistance posed by the False Personality, when one refuses to

drink anything other than water will weaken the False Personality.

It is not about austerity in the sense of suppressing desirable drinking and eating habits.

It is about becoming aware of the mechanical nature of such desires.

One should always remember, Gurdjieff’s Work or 4th Way is about remembering oneself

and becoming more and more conscious or aware about one’s habitual mechanical ness

of thought and action.

It is not about suppressing a habit or desire.

Basically because, if one suppresses a desire, it is only at the conscious level, the motive

and desire will remain intact in the unconscious, waiting for an opportunity.

We have seen many Indian gurus of meditation have become popular for wrong reasons

and many who took celibacy as oath for religious reasons have failed.

All because of suppressing at the conscious level and keeping it intact in the unconscious


This is not meant to be judgmental about others but to highlight the risk of suppression.

At individual or institutional level it causes some disturbance but collectively it can be


In the recent history,

we have seen ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, genocide of one Tribe by another when the state

apparatus collapsed.

Because, for the fear of State’s Ideology or system, people suppressed their Ethnicity

Or Tribal Identities, not resolved them and it came out with vengeance when the state

control weakened.

The point is,

Realization of True-Self does not come about by suppressing the Ego-Self.

But only by observing the false personalities through sustained self-remembering,

And understanding its internal features and motives (not the external causes

Of disappointment.), one can bring out the unconscious motives to conscious level

 and resolve it.

One can start with simple ‘I’s  to become  aware (Self-Remembering)  of the resistance

and should try to go beyond it.

Though difficult, even personal suffering (Psychological) can be an aid to understand the

false personalities.

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