Saturday, January 12, 2013

Evolution of Consciusness (31)-Demand for Pleasure

Pleasure Principle and Demand for Pleasure

In the last post it was about Sorrow or Suffering, Now we will look at positive feelings of

Pleasure, Happiness and Joy.

First we will take up Pleasure,

Because among the three,

Pleasure is the dominating one and one’s life is primarily driven by Pleasure Principle

according to psychologists.

Pleasure is sought in every human act – Eating, Possession, Relationships etc.

Pursuit of Pleasure is a common endeavor in the world; it is also a nation’s goal.

It is highly diversified, industrialized and commercialized.

New forms or objects are invented everyday to give us pleasure and sustain the industry.

It has almost become an addiction with potential to erode one’s capacity to find

Happiness or Joy.

Unfortunately, pleasure can also be negative – sadistic pleasures.

One can derive pleasure by hurting others or indulging in violence (Rape, Mass killing etc.) 

As it is dominating the societies all over the world, one finds more and more avenues for

Pleasure and this in turn gradually erodes the capacity of an individual and society to

distinguish  between Pleasure and Happiness.

It has come to a such a state now that common man hardly distinguish between Pleasure,

Happiness and Joy.

And, mostly takes the Pleasure for the other two.

A nation or society can do very little about it, except putting restrictions, passing

resolutions and clamping down and so on with little outcome.

So, it is for the individual to do something about it, if willing.

One can not demand Happiness because it can only happen,

but one can demand Pleasure because it comes from the Past ( Where, How, What etc)

Here, we are not concerned about ‘innocent’ fun and pleasure one goes through.

But, it is the urge and constant demand for pleasure; one has to be concerned with.

Because, behind the demand,

There is a mind which is in pain (Emptiness, Boredom, Frustration etc).

Otherwise one won’t make such a demand.


 Demand for pleasure is to escape from the pain,

In most of the occasions, normally one is not even aware that he is avoiding pain by

choosing pleasure.

Let us consider a simple situations,

In the physical plane, if one is thirsty, he won't eat solid food but drink liquid.

It is very obvious here, but not so in the psychological plane.  

If one is in debt or in troubled relationship, he might choose to go to bar to drink.

In the bar, though he is drinking, in his mind he is not ‘DRINKING’ but forgetting his


As he is not 'DRINKING",  he can not stop drinking at his level (Consummate Level) but willl keep on

drinking till he can’t drink anymore.

Here, drinking is not consummated or fulfilled but terminated.

After becoming sober, he will find himself in the same position as before, nothing has


This position makes him feel guilty of what he has done - desire of drinking not consummated and 

also troubles are not resolved.

Even if he drinks again and again to attain the illusory consummate level to feel fulfilled.

It will never be, because he is not ‘DRINKING’ but forgetting troubles.

 Any Demand for Pleasure is of this nature, doing something for something else.

That is the origin of guilt consciousness associated with pleasure after termination.

(Topic of Pleasure and Guilt is wide and deep, here we touch only the surface)    


 if one reflects upon or remember one self  (Self Remembering), when there is a urge or

demand for pleasure,

He can find the particular personality which is in trouble without the urge to escape from

it through pleasure.

And, he can pay attention to problem to resolve it.

So, it is very important to remember one self, not only during suffering but also when one

seeks pleasure.


demand for pleasure is not a sign of healthy mind but symptom of a mind which is down

or sick.

One can clearly see the difference by comparing it with Happiness or Joy.

 Happiness or Joy are consummated or ended with a positive feeling without leaving any

sense of guilt as residue.

Of course, if one wants the event of Happiness or Joy to recur again, it will become

Pleasure with all it features.

Again, it is not resistance or denial of pleasure but understanding its underlying features

through Self-Remembering and going beyond it.

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