Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Evolution of Conciusness(Post 6)-Personality & Essence

Personality and Essence

Gurdjeiff’s emphasizes that Essence of a person should have precedence over

Personality and if not, personality can damage the essence.

What happens if personality damages essence and it is lost?

One leads entire life mechanically dictated by the personality and withers 

away like a machine.

What happens if Essence pervades the Personality?

One is propelled to excellence in their vocation knocking at the doors of 


Let us look at this through two different people of different times and 

different trades.

Can we find a common element in their poetic expressions below?

Yes, one can see the focus of their expression is bringing out the significance 

of PRESENT in relation to the PAST and FUTURE.

A Master Poet and a Master Martial Artist arrived at the same ‘ARTISTIC 

TRUTH” that ‘NOW’ is everything, it alone matters.

Absolute Truth of ‘All NOW’, when expressed in human activities becomes 

relative to the art as ‘ARTISTIC TRUTH’.

That is what Essence does to the Personality, taking it to perfection or 

wholeness. Material gain or loss becomes secondary.

There are gaps,

Anyway, I hope this will throw some light on Gurdjieff’s ideas of Personality, 

Essence and 7-Types of Men.

See you soon.

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