Expectation of Miracle –
It is an innate quality and manifested partly in our fascination towards Magic.
In a serious note,
It is hope or anticipation of divine intervention for believers and interference of
Supernatural in the human affairs for non-believers.
Naturalists believe everything is natural there is nothing more, subsequently
everything will be understood.
Super-naturalists believe that there is more to nature, ‘Supernatural’ is what we don’t see
and measure but interferes with Natural law .
How do we define a Miracle in our life?
All the events in one’s life has a Cause followed by an Effect and the effect
becoming a cause, producing another effect and so on.
Everything in life is linked and understood through this chain of Cause and Effect.
According to this theory there can be No Effect without a Cause behind it.
But, Miracle is supposed to be something out of the blue, belongs to the domain of the
Divine or Supernatural.
It can not be part of Cause and Effect chain.
So, we can say ‘Miracle’ is something that has no cause.
Is there any thing in our day to day life which has no cause?
Consider our emotions, take anger,
There is no anger without a cause/motive behind it (A Person, an Event or a Desire).
It is obvious, one can’t be angry without any reason (Cause).
Now, let us take compassion,
Does one need a cause to express compassion?
In other words, does one require a motive to be compassionate?
No need, one can be compassionate without any personal motive.
In fact, one can not be compassionate with a personal motive.
That is, Compassion is without a cause/motive.
It is not part Cause and Effect Chain.
Then, is compassion a miracle?
Yes, for two reasons,
It is not an act of Ego because Ego can act only through
Cause &
Effect Chain-Mechanical
Its origin is elsewhere, not in the ego-self.
Its origin is elsewhere, not in the ego-self.
2. It can bring about extraordinary (miraculous) effect on the person.
For the proof of 2nd reason refer the post 'WORLD'S HAPPIEST MAN-10/31/12'
We saw in that post, How meditation on compassion altered the brain of Mr. Matthies Ricard
giving him abnormal (miracle!) capacity for happiness.
giving him abnormal (miracle!) capacity for happiness.
Where Miracles belong?
Anger is
Personal because it has personal cause/motive.Compassion is Non-Personal because it has no personal cause/motive.
Anger belongs to the plane of ‘Personal-Self’/’Ego-Self.’
Compassion belong to the plane of ‘Non-personal’/’Uni-Being’
Compassion is a self-less act, should not be confused with un-selfish deeds.
Stretching it further,
‘Cause and Effect’ belongs to the plane of ‘Personal-Self’/’Ego-Self’.
‘Miracles’ belongs to the plane of ‘Non-Personal’/ ‘Uni-Being’.
Expecting Miracles
So, can one expect miracles?
Yes, but one can’t wait.
According to Gurdjieff ‘One can’t wait, because death is waiting’.
In other words, one must start the resurrection of Uni-Being(ObjectiveReason) - the
plane where miracles belong.
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