Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Evolution of Consciusness(Post 16)- Sense of LACK

Sense of lack

It is a fact that people are not content, what ever be their achievement and status,

people always feel they lack something in their life.

Good Scientists, Thinkers, leaders are all working to make life better, not only physically

but also psychologically.

Can they ever succeed in their mission?

Physical Plane.

 Science and technology may succeed in improving the quality of life (Best food,

shelter, Medicine, long life and so on) .

But, as knowledge is never complete and as it always grows, there will be always ‘better’

quality of things to come, better life to be attained.

So, sense of lack and insufficiency will be there in the physical plane.

How one tolerates or live up to it is a different issue.

Psychological Plane.

Ego or Ego-Self or Personality is made up of choices.

Choice means inclusion of some and exclusion of the rest.

So, one’s ego is limited by its own choices, however proficient and skillful it is.

When ego reaches its limitation, it will face resistance, that will cause conflict and 


So, sense of lack and insufficiency will be there in the psychological plane as well.

Where it originates

Where is the root of this ever present sense of LACK in the psyche?

This sense of lack or insufficiency one feels normally is not genuine and can not be


Because, what one lacks is own True or Real-Self, not external objects.

To make it clearer, let us step back and bring Gurdjieff

In the earlier posts we mentioned the following

-     a person is born with unique essence( True or Real-Self)

-         later conditioned by external factors, cultivates a personality and  pursuits.

-          Ego-Self or personality pushes back the True or Real-Self and essence.

-         In time one takes the Ego-Self for the True-Self

One is born with essence (True-Self), so it is choice less and natural self.

Where as ego-self is acquired and made up of choices and so limited.

Though it has taken the place of True-Self, its achievements can not truly reflect the

aspirations of one’s True-Self and its essence.

This is the source of discontent and the origin of ‘Lack’

One is not conscious of it because True-Self and Essence is pushed back or buried,

So, on the conscious level (Ego-Self), one feels this lack is due to lack of something

external and can be set right.


By acquiring more and more, becoming better and better, one can not eliminate this

sense of lack.

One has to transcend the ego-self to the True or Rea-Self to end the Sense of lack and

attain wholeness.

 Ego-Self is like a soul lost or fallen from grace.

Note : According to Gurjieff’s  system,  a person is born with essence and not soul, it has

to be acquired.
It is something like,

Crescent moon trying to become a Full Moon by growing bigger, but it can only become

a bigger Crescent Moon.

To become a Full Moon,

It has to recognize its true nature (Full Moon), stop identifying with the ‘Crescent

Moon’ and that will throw light on the hidden portion to make it full.

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