Friday, November 23, 2012

Evolution of Consciusness(Post 17)-Time

Physical and Psychological time.

Physical time as we observe flows from Past to Future- Clock or Calendar time.

But, psychological time flows the other way, that is from Future to Past, in

 the sequence of Intention, Action and Realization.

Physical Time

Time was once considered as absolute, but now it is another dimension like length or 


It shrinks and expands like any other spatial dimension, though it is not part of day to day


Anyway, expansive scientific facts like billion galaxies, light years and shrinking facts

about subatomic particles, wave probabilities are remote to our experience.

As far as time.

Though time is abstract, it is measured through periodic events – arm of the clock, sun’s

cycle, atomic decay and so on.

Time in Life

In life, time is perceived through events in life arranged in a chronological order,

connecting thread being the Self/Ego which goes through the events.

We know there were yesterday / past because we remember the events.


We know there will be tomorrow / future because we remember past ‘tomorrows’ came

into being.

One can also think about the past or future and indulge in nostalgia or day dreaming.

Both are only ‘Thinking’, projections of the mind, mental concepts, not real.

That is living in an ‘unreal’ world, which exists only in the mind or thoughts.

 Actuality or Reality or ’The Living Truth’ is only in the Present or Now.

All around us there is only NOW.

Whatever happens, can happen only in the NOW.

Past and Future are only mental projections.

We are not suggesting about ‘forgetting the past’ or ‘not planning for the future’.

We need to remember the past and plan the future.

It is about ‘living’ in the present.

Normally, one do not live in the ‘PRESENT’, one’s thoughts are everywhere, in to the

past or into the future .

To live really, one must be entirely available to the present.

To understand, one can recall an incident of joy one went through.

One could notice,

- Entire being was available to that PRESENT,
- Absence of ego/ego-self,
- No good or bad past interfered, not even sickness or pain
- No struggle of becoming something
- Energy level was optimum
-  and was not even aware that one is in joy.

All the above qualities can also be found among children, though unconscious.
The reason being,

In Gurdjief’s terms ,

Children possess only essence (Real-Self), ego-self is not yet developed, and personality

is not taken root because their interaction with the outer world is minimal.

Their consciousness is all in the present – no nostalgia about the past or day dreaming

about the future.

That is why in some religions, it is said ‘BE LIKE CHILDREN’.

It is obvious one can not become a child, and it is also senseless.

The point is to make one’s being entirely available in the present,

Being entirely in the PRESENT means stepping out of time.

Past and Future belongs to time, but present is ‘timeless’ and ‘beyond measure’.

It is not something mystical.

One can test it by looking at familiar people with a fresh/new mind, which is without the

aid of past experiences (a measure in time).

It is more than fun.

We will continue with Time.

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