“What is happening to you is
what you think is happening to you “ - is that true ?
This is not about what happens physically but what happens to us psychologically over an event.
how we think ?
We think or interpret events only in terms of our opinions.
For example, if i have a good opinion about a particular political party .
Then, Its electoral win can bring joy to me.
But, for some reason if my opinion has changed, then the same event can bring sadness.
The event remaining the same,
What is ‘happening’ to me changes according to my thinking.
In other words what is happening to me is what i think is happening to me.
This is one simple situation.
Taking a bigger picture or abstract,
All events are interpreted only by our belief system.
Belief system is a complex net work of opinions,prejudices about people, race,religion, culture etc.
In short , about everything around us.
Some beliefs are cultivated consciously like affiliation to a political party.
And, some are at unconscious level like religious, racial, cultural ideas derived from family/society.
We (can) think and interpret events only in terms of our belief system.
They only qualify any ‘happening' as good, bad or as desirable , undesirable.
They are all based on belief only, in terms of which we think.
So, whatever happens to us psychologically, ‘Happens’ only because we think so .
The event may be objective but psychological happening is subjective and solely
depends on one’s belief system.
There is no objective kind of ‘happening’ psychologically.
Change in our beliefs /thoughts will change what is happening to us.
For some,
change in belief/idea/thought can even transform life itself.
(Change is not tweaking or calibrating a thought, that may work in physical sphere
but not in the psychological sphere. That is, one can be semi-skilled but not semi-honest.)
So, it is true that,
What is happening to us is only what we think is happening to us.
Putting it in other words -
We only decide what happens to us psychologically by choosing our thoughts and affiliations.
So, in that sense ,
we are the maker our own destiny at least in our psychological sphere.
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