Monday, March 4, 2013

Evolution of Consciusness (37)-Oneness Of Religion(Gurdjieff)

Multiplicity & Oneness of Religions.

MULTIPLICITY of Faiths and Religions exist only at the periphery.

As one gains understanding and moves towards the center, differences that exist at the

Periphery gradually reduces like distance between the radii of a circle, and vanishes at the

center, where truth of ONENESS alone prevails.

As long as one stays at the periphery, the differences continue to exist.

Differences are caused by the relative expressions of the absolute.

Expressing the Absolute is like expressing an alimentary TASTE,

which is not present in any of the known food.

So, it is relatively expressed in comparison with the known tastes.

When it comes to ‘Religious Experience’ of oneness, it becomes much more complicated.

Because, realized souls not only try to express and explain the ‘Experience’ but also

formulate a system to enable others to attain that state of consciousness.

These systems are naturally anchored in the society of that particular period,  

culture and social mores.

And, the respective religions  have come a long way from the founders to the contemporary followers,

covering centuries, going through divisions and changes in their structure and form.
So, differences bound to exist not only among religions but also within a religion.


Religion also became an identity of a person or a group.


Religious expressions and identities have become sources of disagreement and conflict.

The point is,

The religious Knowledge and Identity has very little to do with religiosity as such.

In fact, kernel of the religion is out of focus, obscure and left for the chosen ones.

 This trend is unavoidable and inevitable as long as one remains at the periphery.

That is maintaining oneself in the plane of Dogmas, Concepts, Ideas and Ideals.

Staying at the surface level may give identity, belonging, solace, security and

esoteric knowledge of the faith.                                        

All this can only add up to one’s psychological identity and knowledge.

And, we know,

‘Knowledge’ is not ‘Knowing’,

 Just as,

 Self-Discovery is not 'knowledge of one self ' but knowing one self.

It is imperative that one has to move from Plane of Knowledge to Plane of Knowing.

For that to happen, one has to go deeper towards the center irrespective of the faith.

One has to move from,        

‘Conception’ to ‘Perception’

‘Idea’ to ‘Fact’

‘Belief’ to ‘Realization’

In other words, one has to move from Religious identity (Ego-Self)

to Religious Truth (True-Self).
Then alone religion become a meaningful human endeavor, otherwise it will remain a

divisive factor like any other collective identity. 

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