The Evolution of Consciousness (Post-3)
.So far we have seen the fundamental principles (3-Centers, Dominant Center,
Interference and Awareness) and also 3-Types of fundamental (common!) Men,
in fact we know them already; we have only categorized them according
Gurdjieff principles.
But as mentioned earlier Gurjieff categorized human beings into 7-Types.
Before going into detail we will list all the seven types with their attributes.
The seven types can also used as a scale to see one self where he stands in
the ladder of ‘Conscious Evolution’.
Now the List.
Man Number 1 is centered in Instinct; primarily he is motivated by the
pleasures and needs of the physical body. Dominant center is Instinct.
Man Number 2 is centered in Emotion; primarily he is motivated by emotions,
relationships, Art, Music etc. Dominant center is Emotion.
Man Number 3 is centered in Intellect; primarily he is motivated by
reasoning and intellect. Dominant center is Intellect.
Man Number 4 is free from the Dominant Center and has removed
contradictions /Imbalances among the centers.
Consequently achieves certain level of Personal Unity, self-knowledge,
Objectivity, sense of purpose and harmony among the centers.
Here ‘certain level’ means they can slip back to the former mode of
What is ‘Known’, is not ‘experienced’ by the Centers
Well, we always come across phrases of this kind in ‘Spiritualism’.
Let us put it this way
‘I can intellectually understand, but I can’t .feel ...”
Here, what is ‘known’ is not ‘experienced?’
Say, Head and Heart are not in the same wave length.
So, Dominant Center may take charge and Man Number 4 might slip back to
Man Number 1 or 2 or 3.
Take another one,
‘Tallest Building’ is pride of a nation, why not the ‘broadest’,
Is it because primitive man had ‘prideful’ advantage being at a height seeing
danger early.
This primitive man stands pretty good chance to become the Head of the tribe.
Is that the reason why Nations and Leaders are after the Tallest?
Now see the connection. Here
‘Pride’ factor is ‘experienced’ even now but the cause behind it is buried deep,
not ‘known’.
One can explain these things with ‘Conscious’, ‘Subconscious’ and
‘Unconscious’ and so on.
We do ‘explain AWAY’ many things through Science or Belief Systems.
‘Known’ become more detailed in this process but not ‘experienced’
One can go on like this and find most of the ‘known’ things are not
‘experienced’ as such.
Examples are not apt or perfect, but can show the direction.
Man Number 5 is the result /destination of Man Number 4, if Man Number 4
keeps Working on it.
Man Number 5 achieves complete unity of the Centers.
“Known” is experienced equally in all of the Centers”
Say, what is known in the Head is also experienced in the Heart.
So there is no contradiction in the Centers, therefore there is no slipping back
to former mode of Consciousness.
Since no slipping back, Achievement is permanent.
Unified Centers gets ‘Crystallized’.
Since there is no contradiction, fragmentation or friction between Centers,
energy is not wasted,
There is no to be / Not to be or to do / Not to do dilemma
Therefore Man Number 5 pursues his Aim with abundant energy and focus.
But his Aim could be beneficial or destructive depending on ego-centric
Man Number 5 can become a Tyrant or a Peace Maker depending on the ego-
Centric elements but will be a good one at it.
Nevertheless he will be an achiever in this World.
Now we are approaching the ultimate.
Man Number 6 is the result if Man Number 5 proceeds relentlessly with his
work to get rid of ego-elements.
In Man Number 6 the remaining egocentric elements purged off.
This causes immense suffering, a sense of anguish and so on. Because
dissolution of ‘Ego elements’ is dissolution of identification with personal
body, personal feelings and Personal mind as such (i.e. what is so far
preserved, nurtured and considered As ‘ME’ will be burnt to ashes).
That is DEATH of a different kind- Psychological Death.
So one has to experience Death – Psychological Death to go to the other side.
In mystical literature, it is referred as ‘DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL’.
At the ‘death’ of relative/personal qualities, emerges an absolute/universal
(Divine!) quality.
But these qualities can be lost if not worked further towards ‘ESSENCE’ of
According to Gurdjieff, ‘Essence’ is the true nature of a person unlike
personality which is an acquired trait.
We have reached the Ultimate
Man Number 7
If Work continues, man Number 6 becomes Man Number 7 – the ONE.
Everything about the person is perfect in the sense that achievement is
permanent, balanced, and functions with full potential since all the aspects
which blocked and/or wasted the energy have been purged off including the
Real Individuality is realized which is based on Essence not on ego.
Identity of the person is not ego anymore, it is shifted to essence.
Since personality is dissolved and ego purged, Man Number 7 has pure
perception and insight ( Ego – which caused conditioned perception and
partial perception is gone).
In the absense of EGO , there is Nothing personal to Achieve in this world.
Now, he is an expression of the Absolute in the human form.
Based on the skills acquired and essence, his work will continue in this world
to liberate others from relative existence to absolute.
In traditional/religious terms he is considered as Avatar, Boddhisatva or Christ
Manifest or some other label.
Many will Follow, Worship, Accept, Ignore or Reject, some even kill them (It
is in History).
Very few do none of the above, what they do?
End of list.
We got to the Ultimate pretty quick. It is too good to be true.
Yes, we spent some time on the Centers but glossed over ego, essence, work
and so on.
Let us get back to the basics.
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